Food Punishment

I like to make it a practice to search BDSM on the Google News page at least once a week to see what the insane, the inexperienced, the anti-social and the just plain stupid have done to damage the BDSM, Leather and other Lifestyle communities recently.  Sometimes I find horror stories, and sometimes I actually find Helpful Household Hints.  Today just happens to be one of those days.

Although these are not something I personally practice, a great many Dominants do:  punishments and dietary/food domination. 

Dominants sometimes dole out punishments and they do so for a variety of reasons.  Some do it to correct poor performance or bad behavior.  Others do it to reinforce the household or interpersonal dynamic.  Still others do it because it feeds the headspace of both partners to the dynamic.

Dietary/food domination also achieves the same goals but does so by making certain foods into highly prized and much sought after rewards.  It takes a bland, unapetizing yet nutritious diet and makes it the daily norm, while making “people food” a treasure that comes solely from the font of Dominant kindness.

Good idea for some.  But what to use?  No one makes Subbie Kibble, Slave Chow, Riskies or Oww Mix, so one must be imaginative or be a Mistress of Google to find an appropriately nutritious yet vitally unappealing diet.

Look no further, gentle folk.

In the Savage Love column over at A.V. Club, there is a reference in the September 15th piece to a lovely item called Nutraloaf.  To quote the original poster on Nutraloaf,

“Served in some prisons as punishment for inmates’ bad behavior (namely, throwing, spitting, or wasting their regular, non-loafed foodstuffs), Nutriloaf is essentially a day’s worth of meals ground into a wet, bland brick. There have been a handful of lawsuits protesting the use of “meal loaf” in correctional facilities; however, most courts have found that, as long as the loaf in question meets certain daily nutritional requirements, it does not constitute cruel and unusual punishment. Therefore, we had no legal recourse when faced with this reader suggestion. The only question is, who among us would be willing to inflict such a thing upon his or her esteemed co-workers?”

Sounds appealing already, doesn’t it?  And so flexible as well.  Again I quote the original article.

  • 2 oz Cooked Ground Beef
  • 4 oz Canned, Chopped Spinach
  • 4 oz Canned Carrots, Diced
  • 4 oz Vegetarian Beans
  • 4 oz Applesauce
  • 1 oz Tomato Paste
  • 1/2 cup Potato Flakes
  • 1 cup Bread Crumbs
  • 2 oz Dry Milk Powder
  • 1 tsp Garlic Powder or Flakes

“Preparation: mash the fuck outta everything and slap it into a loaf pan. Cook until non-toxic.”

Pretty straight-forward and to the point.  It appears to be very workable, not entirely paletable, but definitely more nutritious than a huge part of the world eats on a regular basis.  And I see huge areas for tailoring it to suit individual needs as well.

Own vegans or other non-carnivore types?  Substitute that textured soy protein product that you see in healthfood stores as a meat substitute, and delete the dry milk powder. 

Want to save beef for rewards, or beef has just too much flavor for your property?  Substitute ground chicken or turkey.

Want to give them some flavor but not make it all that good?  I can see where a little basic salt and pepper would go a long way.  You could also use breakfast sausage, italian sausage, or any other seasoned bulk sausage if you didn’t want his or her diet to be any worse than necessary.  Maybe use Chili Ready beans, or black-eyed peas with jalepenos instead of the vegetarian beans to add flavor.

The possibilties are pretty much endless with this.  You could even custom blend this to help your boy or girl acheive any diet or fitness goals if you knew what you were doing and used a bit of common sense.

Helpful Hint?  Perhaps.  I’m sure the hungry mouths in your household won’t think so.

And that’s a bad thing how?

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